Thursday, 13 September 2012

Media Theorist - Andrew Goodwin

Andrew Goodwin is a media theorist who came up with the concept of the codes and conventions of music videos:

The codes and conventions being as follows:

  1. The record company demands for exposure of the artist. This will mean a lot of close-up shots of the singer/band.
  2. There will be a relationship to music and visuals.
  3. There will be a relationship to lyrics and visuals
  4. There will be genre characteristics. For example; Rock Videos, will traditionally show Live performances; whilst Hip-Hop Videos will normally show a wealthy, gangster looking lifestyle.
  5. There willl be references to the notion of looking. For example Television Screens, Mirros, people looking at each other or at the audience.
  6. There will be some method of intertextual referencing.

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